In the wake of the current round of atrocious settler-colonial assaults on the Palestinian people, even the indie media thinks it is important to remind people that any criticism of Israel's genocidal offensive should be balanced against the shibboleth of anti-semitism. Take, for example, the Huffington Post's recent article about how synagogues in France were attacked and how we need to recognize that anger over Israel's violence should not permit us to become anti-semitic. Well no shit. I've been part of the pro-Palestinian circles for years, arguing for the importance of recognizing Palestinian self-determination, and have always understood that it should have nothing to do with adopting a backwards anti-semitism in response. So has the majority of the movement; the fringe conspiracy theorists with anti-semitic overtones were always understood as the fringe, just as Truthers and Illuminati conspiracy theorists have been understood as the fringe of the anti-impe...
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist reflections