Over a week after the public discussion that launched the federal elections boycott campaign , there is still a bizarrely dogmatic antipathy amongst sections of the mainstream Canadian left regarding this campaign. What makes this antipathy especially dogmatic is a refusal to critically grapple with the reasons for an elections boycott––a knee-jerk denunciation, filled with banal pronouncements about "ultra-leftism", that masquerades as political debate. The vast majority of the groups and individuals who resist the very possibility of a boycott did not bother to attend, and in fact showed no interest in attending , the discussion on March 19th and instead chose to boycott the boycott discussion. This refusal to engage in a critical discussion around the elections boycott, therefore, allows those who have decided a priori to participate and agitate for bourgeois parliamentarianism to cling to the tired arguments without having to consider the possible counter-...
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist reflections