Apologies to my regular readers for the longer spaces between posts. I realize that, in the past year, my posting frequency has dwindled to the point that I only have one post this month, which is reflections on a book I read, and find the thought of posting something else terribly exhausting. Hence, I've decided to waste a post explaining my current inability to post with the same consistency as I posted in the past in order to: a) apologize to my faithful readers who might be growing impatient with this blog; b) provide at least something to read so that this month is not represented by just a single post. The first and most obvious justification for my lack of posting frequency is that my life is extremely busy, which I've already indicated in previous posts. Since September 2014, in order to save money because childcare is not socialized, we've had our daughter out of daycare and have cleverly organized our work schedules around her childcare. Due to the fa...
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist reflections