For some reason, because we maoists tend to speak of the category of masses , there is often a rather bizarre assumption that, simply by using this category, we are liquidating class categories so as to replace the antagonistic contradiction of bourgeois-proletariat with some amorphous concept of "masses". Ortho-Trotskyists tend to make this complaint, certain that marxism has been violated as soon as maoists babble on about "the masses" and the "mass-line" and this category that is supposedly meant to replace the class contradiction that determines capitalism. Indeed, two years ago a would-be critic of maoism made a similar point in a straw-personing of maoism that resulted in a rather hostile post on my part . The truth, however, is that we maoists are not interested in getting rid of class concepts in favour of some nebulous category of masses ––we did not adapt the USAmerican "tired/poor/hungry masses" platitude as a political axiom. ...
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist reflections