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"Screen cap this and look at it again in ten years…"

I started writing the following post almost a year ago, in November 2023 in the early days of the genocide in Gaza, and forgot about it due to the whirlwind circumstances of my life at the time. In the months that followed (travel to Europe with the family to work on a research leave grant there for three months, return and reintegration, projects I needed to complete) I forgot I had even written this––it was itemized as a "draft" on my blogger dashboard. But I think it is worth publishing it now, almost a year later, because of the ways in which particular "left" intellectuals defend other "left" intellectuals despite the fact that the latter are defending colonialism. This post was clearly motivated by a fight over twitter with Katerina Katarina Kolozova, who was defending Seyla Benhabib's liberal refusal to sign a letter critical of Israel, an egregious refusal I had criticized at the beginning of November 2023 .  Since that time, Kolozova has delet
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